Monday, May 24, 2010

Serious fun

11, may 2010

We had a meeting about our character and what character we are going to use for our project. We've decided to use the 'cube' first as our character and develop it or add more character. Our project is going to be virtual pet where we are going to interact the human with the digital world. We've also talked about how the character will move and how it will interact with us or with the viewer.

18, may 2010

After finishing the processing assignment, we've finally REALLY started doing our project. Our group have done some research relating to the project. Today we did A LOT of research on how we are going to relate our work with the brief and what we can use or adapt to our work. We have been doing trial and error with the code on 'processing', changing codes to make a ball move when we hit the ball. Basically when the code is run, the camera from the laptop is operated showing us. A screen is shown on the window and is viewing a ball together with the viewer and we are interacting with the ball by moving(i.e., when touching the ball). The ball will move(bounce) when it is in contact with a black gradient showing from the edge of the viewer. This is as far as we've got and we've still haven't put our character in.

19 may 2010

We have been stuck with processing and it's going crazy… the image showing from the camera is not mirrored so we have to change the codes because it's hard to interact when it looks like you are moving the wrong part of the body. We spent all day looking for codes that we can use to invert the image so it will look right.

We tested and run code and viewed it on the projector and the image has been MIRRORED! Now we have to apply the right physics on the ball so that the ball will bounce on the right direction when it is hit, because at the moment the ball doesn't go where it should go. Also we have to try different lighting so that the ball will hit the right gradient from the body when moving. We wanted to change our character "cube so we've decided to make different character each that we will use for our project and decide which one will look better.

20, may 2010

the ball is now moving on the right direction when in contact, when the hand is lift up to hit the ball upward the ball bounce up instead of going down which is what we are aiming for.

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