Tuesday, June 15, 2010


2:15 I was scheduled to do the presentation. Public speaking, having the spot light, talking in front of groups of people and being ASSESSED at the same time was really scary. I have the problem of my whole body shaking when I know I have to present things in front. Obviously this is not my strength. I can do the task and work on it but talking about it was hard for me. This wasn't my first time to talk in front of people and I've done it a few times in high school. I did a lot of preparation with the verbal presentation than the visual. I know that it has to have a balance between these two but verbal presentation was my biggest fear and weakness. I was really afraid with the question and answer side and I that all my answers didn't come out as when I thought of it. I know and have always been told that I need to boost my confidence up as this will help me in my life.

The presentation has helped me a lot as I know now what I need to change and improve from myself. After the presentation my main goal through out this course is to break out and step out from my comfort zone as this pulls me down making myself look like I am not being part of a group work.

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